Tuesday 9 April 2013

Ran Out Of Pages

And I didn't bring another book with me. I had something like 30 pages left of the book I hadn't yet finished and realized early on that they wouldn't last me long. There have been like zero people in today. Ok, that is a lie. There has been at least 10 people. Ok, maybe like 15 people. My point is - it's not been very busy today and I really should've brought another book with me. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now. At least it's forcing me to do other stuff like finances or blogging.

So B has become an uncle. Again. His sister gave birth to a healthy baby girl yesterday. Healthy size and all, even though it came 2 weeks early, so good job L! Can't wait to meet that rugrat. We also sent some lego hero (?) to England for J-P's BDay. He should be getting it Thursday or something like that. Hopefully he'll like it! :)

We had a meeting in work this morning but thats ok because it wasn't until 9 so didn't have to get up that early. I actually put my face on and everything and in record time. I don't actually mean that I did it super fast but like why do I get up at 8 when I'm in at 10 if I can do everything waking up at 7.45 and be at work for 9.. I guess it's to make sure I'm awake and ready for the day.

I caught up with all my programs but some new ones started and now I've fallen behind again. B only finishes at 10 tonight so I'll have some time for programs when I get home. I've been reading more and when I have time to watch programs, I've done something else. How lazy am I, if I can't sit down and watch a frickin' program?

It's still 30 minutes until hoovering and 1 hour until mopping so perfect time for checking everything's good and all the clothes are in order. Some customer bought the skirt that was on our doll and I had to put an outfit together for it to wear. It was a lot harder than I originally thought! But the new clothes already got one customer to buy the scarf and another to try the dress on, so I guess the outfit works :)

Now I'll go do something useful. Have a nice day!

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