Saturday 13 April 2013

New PC

It's here! We got it a few days ago and put it together straight away. It's fucking awesome! We had super nice people doing all the ordering and putting shit together and all we had to do was take some stuff out of our old PC and put it in the new one. Thankfully we had everything backed up and didn't lose any of our photos or what ever. I am super happy with this PC and thankful for all the help we got getting it!

There was this thing that popped up every time we started the PC up and we didn't really know what it was for so with a little (A LOT) help from Google, I found out what to do and get this - I fixed the problem! I was pretending to be a computer geek and it actually worked! I did a few other things with the help of Youtube videos and got everything working the way we wanted it. I am so proud of B for dealing with everything - I didn't have to do anything other than pick it up. Amazing.

It's been work, work, work every day this week but I'm off tomorrow and will do some major relaxing today! I finally get to go to the country again! It's been ages it feels like.. But now we can spend the night there and holy shit - there is running water again! The pipes must have defrosted or what ever and now we can do things like get a drink of water from the tap and flush the toilet! Amazing! Too bad B is working until like 7 tonight, and we'll only get to the country house for 8ish but at least we are going today and that's what matters.

Something else happened today.. I took B to work this morning before coming to work myself, you know so I can just pick him up after work without having to swing by home to drop his bike off and the police stopped me. I mean, they were stopping everyone to give them the breathalyzer test! I've never been stopped for that and I have to admit - it was exciting! I told the nice policeman that it was my first one and he gave me the pipe thing as a souvenir :) Obviously there was no problem, since I didn't drink last night and it was the perfect moment to have this experience :)

It's been really quiet in work for the past few days and it doesn't look like today will be any different. But it's only a couple of hours until finish, and then it's off to home we go. I really need to put some new music on my iPod so that is on my to do - list today. Not much else.

Have an amazing weekend everyone! Let's hope for some sunshine! :)

1 comment:

  1. Jee katotaan joku pv taas leffoja nyt ku teillä on tuo uus koneki :) t. Ilona
