Sunday 7 September 2014

Wedding Fever

Alright, so BIG news - we decided we're gonna get married! We have been engaged for such a loooong ass fucking time it was bound to happen :) We went to England this summer during our summer hols in June (more on that later) and they asked us again - when are you getting married? - and we threw in 'next summer' maybe a little bit as a joke and they got super excited. So we thought fuck it - let's just do it. 

So the magic is going down July 11 2015. We've already started planning. I've heard it's too soon to start doing stuff or buying things but one very wise bride-to-be told me to start as soon as possible because there's just too much to do. I never thought my wedding would mean hassle or shit loads of planning but then again, I never thought I would actually end up getting married so I was super surprised to realize how much planning it requires to get everything we want done. There's a lot we haven't even decided and that's the main thing causing me stress - I don't know what I want! There's so many things we want but don't know about them yet, so the only way to go about this, is sorting out every little detail we do know we want :)

We've decided to have an outside wedding. First it was supposed to be at my mums and stepdads yard but after thinking about it loads and trying to make it work, we decided to have the ceremony at the venue. It'll work out better that way and it'll be beautiful.

Most of the people who know me, know I'm the farthest away from being good at crafts, yet I've decided to do some of the stuff myself... I'm even looking at personal touches I could make myself. Like, I suck at making things but actually enjoy it tremendously (x-mas cards are the best by far) so I'm thinking I can do it. Maybe. Possibly. Kind of. It'll be fine, right? Maybe I feel like it'll be more me if I've done some of it myself. Helping out the wise bride-to-be, has made me realize some of the things I want to make, are actually harder than I thought.. But she'll help me with all the hard stuff! I hope and pray.

Weddings are awesome. I've never been to a real wedding! Like church, etiquette, live band and the works. It'll be an awesome experience and a lot of fun. And not to sound rude but it's been awesome helping out someone else with their wedding, because it'll help me so much with my own - I didn't even think about needing napkins! So much to do still and not as much time as I think. Two months have gone and I feel like I didn't even blink. Gotta get some stuff done. Thankfully my days are full of nothing but time..... I wish.

We've been doing this healthy-living-and-eating-right thing since the beginning of the year but had to kick it up a notch after our summer hols this year. We ate what we wanted and did what ever we felt like doing in June and didn't jump back on the bandwagon in July, so in August we started going to the gym and started eating right. We forgive ourselves for being bad this summer because it was SUMMER. But now it's back to business and the frickin' gym! I've set a new goal for the end of this year and I have to at least hit the pessimistic goal even though the realistic goal is the one I'm going for. I don't think three times a week at the gym is enough so gotta go swimming as well once a week. And all this happens after I get off work 6pm. I've been told to work out before work in the morning to save time but I don't think that's me or something I'd want to do.. But I might have to try that. We'll see what happens. Just need to fucking hit that goal at the end of the year! Wedding body 2015 - Here I Come!

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