Monday 8 September 2014

Summer Hols

We were off for the whole of June and decided to go to England. We managed to surprise B's folks once again! It worked even better this time - got there in the morning so B's mum was still sleeping and he went up to wake her! She got the surprise of her life. It was super funny :) We stayed at B's parents house but actually left it every now and then. I obviously took some pics as well..

OK, so we didn't really stick to the diet but who could say no to this? Or KFC? I could say we only ate there once but that would be a lie. We ate there many times... like at least 4 times in two weeks. Fuuuck. 'It'll be ok because  we're going back on the diet as soon as we get home..' - famous last words.

I didn't really take many photos in England because we lived there. Do I need to say more? But Rome on the other hand....

I took loads of pictures and these are just a few of them. So, the Colosseum. HUGE! And super old obviously. They said it's constant pain in the ass trying to keep it in one piece and they're doing work on it all the time. It was also very beautiful and full of history, We walked through all the galleries and took pictures of all the historical objects and read about it all. It was an awesome experience! The Vatican - 8km of hallway, need I say more? We didn't walk down all them hallways but we did do shit loads of walking. I made the Vatican part of that day a miserable experience for myself by choosing to wear the wrong type of shoes. I was so pissed off with myself and couldn't really take my shoes off because that would've been really disrespectful. But I did my best to enjoy it anyway :)

It was actually a really nice trip even though it only lasted two nights and one full day. We saw a lot of the sights and ate some Italian food, which we didn't take any pics of because we had no phones with us! Yes - we left England and traveled to another country without any phones on us. It was heaven! No technology - just the two of us. And the hotel was just around the corner from the train station where the airport bus dropped us off. And every morning you get this awesome breakfast :) I would totally go to Italy again but probably go to some other city like Venice. Rome was pretty fantastic, but I think I'd like Venice more. Less cars and more water.

Possible honeymoon destination? I think not. It'll be Caribbean all the way!

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