Thursday 12 July 2012

Secret Diary of a Call Girl

I've nearly watched every episode. Why is it, that every program I fall in love with, ends up only having 3 seasons? And then some shitty soap like Bold and the Beautiful, last for 25 years or something.. That's like a million seasons! Such bullshit. Thankfully I've missed so many episodes of Medium, that I have to watch every episode of every season to follow the story. Fantastic. That'll give me about a years worth of episodes. Holy crap.

Work was a bit slow today. It was busy in the morning, but after that - only individual drop-ins. But that made it possible for me to do some cleaning. Did the hoovering and washed the floors. I also dusted. I'm gonna clean the backroom tomorrow - if it's slow I mean.

After work, we went to the shop and bought some food. We decided to do 10 weeks of diet and exercise, so today it was diet and yesterday exercise. Hahaha. I had every intention of do exercise today as well, but after food I started watching Secret Diary of a Call Girl, and only just finished. Now I'm watching House on TV, while Emi suckles and Miisu sleeps. B is taking a shower and then it's time for sleep. I'll try and do something interesting tomorrow, or at least think of something interesting to write about. Good night.

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Wednesday 11 July 2012


I've got a million and one plans for what I want to do this year. Half of it has already been lost, and I'm not about to waste the rest of it. Along with the plans, there are also things I want to learn and change - can't forget about those things either. So there is going to be a lot to try and fit in these months remaning, but I'll do my best.

Holiday in England
-It's not your average holiday, or a very popular holiday destination (where we're going at least), but we've been planning for this for over a year now. Or maybe since the day we landed in Finland. I guess it was more like; Imagine when we've been living in Finland for a year or so, and come back to England for a holiday. Well, it's happening now. No, not now as in this moment or this month, but soon.. Very soon. I've planned as far as how to get there, and to our final destination, but I haven't planned anything else. I still need to get my shit together as far as planning some activities for us to do there.. Hmm.

Losing some weight
-There has been a lot of talk and not so much action from my part in trying to reach this particular goal. I don't know what it is about this one.. How can it be this hard to stick to one way, and not leave the trail of getting skinny? Today I will start. At least the exercise. And give up everything fattening. So crisps, candy, pop etc. I will at least try my best to leave most of it out of my diet..

Keeping the house clean
-This is something I struggle with. B is such a clean freak, and would prefer a model house (you know, one of those models of houses, that don't have any stuff in them) or a house that is always clean (no clutter). But since we do work and have a social life, we can't spend every moment cleaning. And we can't afford a cleaning lady.. I have decided to help B out, and do my part. That means, doing the dishes and hoover and put away all the stuff I take out etc. I've been doing this for a few weeks now, and it's going great. I still have those days when I really can't be asked, but those days have gone from 80% to about 20% of the time. Need to just keep it up.

Been in work today. Had a nice sale in the morning and also sold quite a lot of expensive stuff, but all the people vanished in the late afternoon - the last 3  hours of work.. murder. It was so quiet, I literally thought I'd either die of boredom or fall into a coma. Luckily, neither of those happened, and I made it through the day. I got some food - which is nearly ready - and after dinner, I will do some exercise. Not straight after. Maybe watch some Secret Diary of a Call Girl first. I think that's the name of the show. I just started watching it, so couldn't be sure..

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Wednesday 4 July 2012

Fucking Virus

I've been quite busy lately - Friday and Saturday at work and sick since Friday. I had nothing wrong with me Thursday going to bed, and woke up with a very sore throat Friday morning. I worked for 8 hours on Friday and 13 on Saturday. Sunday we went to the doctors, drove to Kärkkäinen and went to the movies with E and S, to watch Snow White and the Huntsman. The sore throat stilled bugged me, and today I found out there is a viral infection in there. Fucking viral infection. That basically means - no meds, no help. Just have to wait it out. The doctor offered sick leave, but this wont get any better whether I'm at home or at work. Fucking virus.

We bought some stuff from Kärkkäinen.. Not a lot. There wasn't a lot we wanted or needed, so we just got stuff we thought we might need one day. The one thing I wanted was the usb/sd adapter for the tab, and we got that. The salesperson was the nicest ever! I don't remember the last time someone was that helpful for the only purpose of being helpful. Thank you Kärkkäinen, and whoever that guy was.

Miisu has been ill. We are not quite sure what was/is wrong with her.. She wouldn't eat, didn't go to the toilet, lost a lot of weight.. We gave her love and affection, as well as Reiki and some meds, and she seems to be getting better now. We think she might still be a little sick though, because she tries so hard to keep Emi away from her. Obviously she lets Emi near every now and then, and even let her suckle, but now she is staying away from her most of the time.

Hopefully she gets better and they go back to loving each other. I also hope this virus moves on to someone else (once more - pass it along), that would make Saturdays 12 hour shift much more fun :) Now it's time for House to put me asleep. Not that it's a boring program - I love love love house- but I've seen all the episodes, and will probably fall asleep because of the tablet I took.

Anyway, good night and have a prosperous Wednesday!

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