Wednesday 1 October 2014

Quick Update

Saturday I worked out with S. The gym was as awful as always. I did the horrible routine where you don't use any machines, just your body. After the gym we decided to have a sophisticated drink at our place with like candle light and jazz.. So obviously I got super drunk and we ended up going to the bar! I had such a fun night and that doesn't really surprise me because I usually always have fun with my sister :) B was out on a Stag Do and had a lot of fun. He had to work on Sunday so he came home earlier than usual..

Sunday I woke up in pain. The hangover wasn't that bad when I got up, but all my muscles were hurting. Muscles I didn't even know existed. It was hell. Aaaand then came the hangover, which lasted all day long, all the way to bed that night. I was fine as long as I stayed on the couch but as soon as I got up for any reason - death by movement. I did get up for a little bit, managed to get dressed, leave the house and eat. Healthy food of course. I mean, there's nothing unhealthy about a burger right? :) I was supposed to go swimming but was so hangover I feared I would drown so skipped it. Good decision.

Monday I was gonna go swimming since I didn't go Sunday. Well, I didn't go. I was super sore still and we instead went for lunch with S and did some other super important stuff (read: drank coffee and gossiped). We picked up our mother and drove out of town to hit some flea markets. We love those places! You can always find awesome things at the flea market! And boy did we find some real winners.. But we also found stuff we actually liked - story book for J, some clothes, Halloween decorations, these super cute dried-up-stuff-in-nice-little-frames for the kitchen.. It was a really fun day! And S managed to get this Gothic looking iron chandelier for a super bargain. Awesome!

Yesterday I was supposed to work but didn't because there was a bit of a mix up with the shifts. So I had another awesome day with S. We went for lunch at 10.30. Yes, that early. We were there earlier than that and actually had to wait a while before they started serving lunch. Hungry Hippos. We thought about hitting the gym since we skipped it on Sunday and Monday but we lazied out. Fucking pussies. And now I won't be able to do the 3+1 routine I decided on - 3 x gym and 1 x swimming / week. I'll be too busy for the rest of the week.. Shit. Fuck. Fuck. Shit.

Today we tried going to the gym in the morning before work. We've never done that before and were very skeptical about it working aka us surviving the work out. But we did. And it wasn't at all as bad as I thought it would be! I was actually quite awesome to do some moving around so early and it gave me energy for the rest of the day which was awesome because we were quite busy in work today. After work I went to Subway with B and from there we drove straight out to our friends wedding venue to help set everything up for Saturday. Got home for 10. I wouldn't have had any time to hit the gym today if I hadn't gone in the morning and I was thinking about doing the same tomorrow, but we have a meeting in work which kind of puts a dent in my plan. If I wanted to go to the gym tomorrow, I would have to go after the setting-up-the-venue-business and that will be too late. Unless.. it's not. And I just do it. Hmm..

Tomorrow after the meeting and all day in work, I'll be taking B to the shop to get all the stuff for this desert he'll be making for this wedding and then we'll drive straight to the venue, stay there a couple of hours doing anything and everything we can to help so you know, less stress for the bride. Then home and maybe gym? But if coming home equals 10 pm, I'll fuck the gym off. Ain't nobody got energy to work out that late. Nothing exciting will happen tomorrow because the whole day is full of work, but at least the day should fly by with no boring moments! Here's to hoping!

Friday will be equally as busy as Wednesday and Thursday. I might actually have time to go swimming after work, depending on how much there is still left to be done at this wedding venue. But if we get a lot done tomorrow, I'll only go in for the finishing touches on Friday and pick up B who'll be there making the desert. Since I'm pretty sure I can't make it to the gym tomorrow, I could go Friday morning.. But gym and swimming both on the same day? Shit. I can do it! Maybe. We'll see. We're thinking about starting this thing properly again on Monday because a lot of these things that have taken up time will be over then. We'll have more time to concentrate on making a routine for ourselves that actually work.. Can't wait!

Saturday we'll be going to this wedding we're helping set up. It'll look awesome. It'll be awesome and I can't wait! I'll get up super early to do my hair and make up, get dressed, drive to my mums and do my sisters make up (and hair if there is time) and then it's off to the church. I'll get home for about 4 am. So that's about it for my Saturday :)

Sunday I'll be super hangover and dying on the couch again. It's like I have a date with my couch every Sunday! I don't actually drink every weekend but when I do, it usually always ends up with me dying on a Sunday! I probably won't update this blog for the rest of the week, and that is the reason for this quick update and sum up of my week. Will probably rave about the wedding with some photos for my next post...

No pictures today because this feels like a no-pic post. Good night!

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