Friday 6 April 2012

What happened to Easter?

I thought we'd get a sunny-see the grass again-a little chilly but ok to sit outside-kind of weather. But no. I left Kokkola and the sun was shining, got here and it's fucking snowing! I've never seen so much snow in my life! And it just keeps coming.. The words right out of my beloved sisters mouth - What The Hell Have We Done To Deserve This?! My thoughts exactly.

Haven't been busy, just been lazy. Went to Kalajoki. Drank way too much, but had the best time ever. Spent a few nights in the bar - sober. Been working a little bit. We've got this new person in for the summer and he's great. He doesn't know much yet, but who did at the beginning? He will be a great addition to the team.

Nothing much else is happening right now. Next week is the last week for piano! Woohoo! Actually, it's been great now that I finished with my I'm-five-years-old-tantrum and did what the teacher asked me to do. I think I might go back after the summer. Or/and study. Might give psychology another try. We'll see.

I'll put some pics up in another post. Only pictures. I'm on my phone and can't be asked :)

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