Wednesday 22 May 2013

Summer Holiday <3

I have two weeks for doing nothing and for enjoying my time off and what do I do? Come to work. I'm here now, thinking about all the things I could be doing if I wasn't here.. My thinking process starts with me being annoyed about being in work but ends in a completely different way - what would I really do if I wasn't in work right now? The answer is - nothing. I'd literally sit on the couch and watch The Voice. I'd like to think I might sit on the balcony soaking up the sunlight, listening to the radio or reading, but I really don't like the heat. It's uncomfortable, you can't successfully hide from it and it makes you sweat. I wouldn't say that I enjoy winter either. Us Finns just moan no matter what season of the year it is!

It's probably like +35 outside right now and there's at least a million people eating ice cream out there. So it shouldn't really come as a surprise that none of them accidently end up inside and at this shop but there's nothing wrong in hoping!

My foot is really killing me. It's been sore for a couple of days now and I'm hating it. I hurts when I walk, stand, drive and when I touch it. I don't want it to be the same it once was before and that's why I'm paying so much attention to it. Otherwise I'd be like - it's just pain, whatever - but if it's not just that, then I'm fucked. How long should I wait before going to the doctor? I'm thinking a few days but I've already waited for a few days - a few more maybe? This is such bullshit. It doesn't hurt all the time though so that's good.

I still have about 3 more hours to go. I think I'm gonna spend some of that time reading so I don't fall behind on my project. I don't know if I'll have much time to read during the summer..

I have this Expo thing this weekend and I just talked with my boss about it. We're leaving for the airport around 5am to get there in time for our flight. After the flight there's like an hour on the bus and then the whole day doing whatever it is we're doing. And then partyyyy all night long, just to wake up fucking early to do all the traveling back. Hmm. Should be good though.

Have a sunny afternoon everyone!

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Thursday 16 May 2013

Once Upon A Time..

..there was someone who updated their blog more often than I do.

I literally don't know what the problem is. I've talked about this so many times and never get better at this.

I've been working a lot. I've been working a lot since the beginning of this year. But I'm on summer holiday for two weeks from Saturday and only have a couple of days at my other job, so I'm off for nearly two weeks. I do have a work thing out of town for two days but that doesn't count right? I've planned a lot for my holiday and I'm kinda pissed off at myself - I'd like nothing more than do nothing but I've not been able to do much because I'm always working, so I have to play catch-up.

I've been having some problems with my wisdom tooth and today I got an emergancy appointment at the dentist to check when we could take it out. What I didn't realize, was that they had more time than I thought and they took it out there and then. I panicked like crazy because I'm so afraid of pain but it wasn't that bad.. I have some pain now but nothing I can't handle. Some people complain about the amount of pain when they've got one or both of their upper wisdom teeth out, but I guess that's the most pain they've ever felt and don't know there is worse pain out there - like having the other two out and having them shaven off your jawbone. Now that was motherfucking pain. Sorry for all the ladies who've given birth - I haven't had the pleasure of labour so can't say that's the worst pain ever.

I've been off today. I've watched some programs and now I'm actually nearly up-to-date. I mean, on some of them I'm so far behind that I stopped caring whether or not I'm getting closer to the newest episode or not, but a lot of them are going on brake for the summer and so I've been watching those and once they've ended, I'll have time for the other ones. Thankfully there aren't that many programs on during the summer.. True Blood starts soon! Love it.

The World Championships of Ice Hockey is very current now. We're getting down to the really important games. I've only been watching Finlands games and haven't seen them all - most though. We've lost one game and won the rest. This one I'm watching right now - Finland vs Slovakia - is one we have to win. There is no losing this one. But like always, our boys make stupid mistakes and let them get through and they score. Defence boys, DEFENCE!

My sister got a job for the summer! I'm so happy for her. It's about time she gets something else in her calender than just changing nappies and doing Mommy-stuff. I mean, I'm sure being a mother is the best job in the world but they probably also want to do something else every now and then. Also, this opens up an opportunity for me to take care of J. That is awesome! She is growing up so fast and I'll be working all summer, so need to take every chance I get and make the most of it. Btw, we're getting a summer worker for the shop as well. I wonder who it's gonna be and when they start..

My Book-A-Month project is going well! It's taken a step back because I got so hooked on this game on the tab that I've been playing that instead of reading, but I've read 7 books this year. Actually 7 and a half. I still need to finish that one book.. I'm totally gonna read the 12 books and probably even more. I still have 3 of those other books left and once I've read those, I'll read this halfway through book that I've not been able to finish. That will bring my total to 11 books. I borrowed the Fifty Shades books from my sister. I have them in English and she got them in Finnish - have to find out if they're as good in Finnish as they are in English. I doubt it, but have to read them anyway. I don't know if I'm gonna count them to my total though because I've read them already, even if it is in a different language..

What else.. The sun has been shining lately, so I guess it's summer now. We also went to this Chinese restaurant and really enjoyed the food. We've been twice and we're definitely going again but next time we're taking I with us because she's never been there. B got the whole of July off work. He's never had a real summer holiday so this will be an awesome experience for him! His thinking about going to England for a visit but we don't know if his passport will be back in time to get flights. We had to send a lot of paperwork and his passport to England for renewal and it says it'll be at least 4 weeks before it's done. We should have got this done 2 months ago but somehow we never sent it off and did it now, at the last minute. Sometimes we're fucking idiots.

It's down to the last minutes of the game and it's so close! It's 4-3 for Finland so just as long as they can keep it that way, it should be fine but I have to stop writing and watch the end of this completely focusing on the game. Have a nice upcoming weekend!

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