Thursday 24 May 2012

I wish..

.. I had something to write about.

It feels like most of the entries start with 'It's been such a long time since my last post..' and no matter how I try, I don't seem to change. I just don't get the urge to come blog about my life. There was a purpose for the blog when I lived in England - to let everyone know what I'm up to and how I am - but now that all those people (and I) live in Finland, I can just tell them myself. Although, some of them might prefer reading about it online. I've heard, some of the things I say or happen to me, are funny in a way.

I don't want to stop blogging, but I can't promise daily updates either. What to do, what to do..

I guess I can do what I'm doing now. When it's quiet in work - blog. But this way I can't put any pics up. Or I can, but I would have to upload them to Skydrive first, to use them on the phone. Shouldn't be so hard to do. Technically it is very simple, remembering to do it and actually doing it - that's the part that gets me. I shall try and improve.

I really thought it would be busy today, but there's no one here. People might be working and only come in after - so around 4 pm maybe. I already did the super-cleaning in work yesterday, so need to find something else useful to do for the next couple of quiet hours.

The summer is on it's way, in is nearly here now. I wanted so badly to stick to the diet, but I didn't, and now I'm really sorry I didn't. I would have loved to have been in a better shape for the summer but lazy lazy. I guess I could still do a few weeks before it's actually swimming and beach time, if only I now stop being lazy.. Hmm. Working a lot in the summer - shouldn't be too hard to stop stuffing my face with oh so delicious but dangerously unhealthy things. Shouldn't be too hard. Will be easy. Willpower is the key.

Going to do some actual work now.

Ps. If I had a tab, I would blog more. Hint hint.

Thursday 3 May 2012


I've posted countless amount of pictures of Miisu and now Neko, and I don't think I've given enough attention to our other baby - Frank(ie). He/She is a Chinese Water Dragon. He's mostly green in colour and he doesn't like me. I've held him before (many times) and he's never liked me. B he likes. It's actually B's baby. You know, I got a cat so he deserved an animal as well. We wont know if it's a boy or girl, until it's 12 months old but B thinks it'll be a boy. If it's a boy, he'll be like a meter long.. (Girls grow up to be about 80 cm) We love him and he is a part of our little family. Frankie <3

Wednesday 2 May 2012


I told you about S and J's kitten earlier, and now I'd like to add the pictures I promised. I know what you must be thinking.. I've promised to post pictures and do posts about certain things and have yet not done so. I thought about it, and decided it's easier to do what I say, straight away, and then I won't forget about it. So without further ado, here is Neko.


Not me, Miisu. She is in heat again. When she was in heat in February, my mum said 'that's what happens in the Spring'. Well, I guess it's still spring so technically she is right. I just didn't think it would come back so quickly. Thankfully she is very fucking cute while in heat, she is almost too cute, all I want to do is cuddle her.. At least until she sticks her bum in my face. Poor girl.

What is the matter with me?

I can't believe it's been so long since my last post. Stuff has happened - good and bad - and I should have posted something by now. But instead I keep reading peoples blogs that I've never met, when I could spend that time thinking about my own life.

Well.. Let's see. I've been to work. I've spent a lot of time with my friends. Especially J. Our thing is lazyness. We are very good at it. I don't mean being lazy as in not doing anything, just that we never really do anything physically challenging for example. I know bowling isn't that hard on your body, but it is physically challenging (at least a little bit) so we should at least try that. Or swimming. Or something to at least get us out of the car every now and then.

Been thinking a lot about Project - DIY Maternity Package, since it's now quite close to the actual baby shower. We were thinking the end of May.. That leaves me with.. panic and stress. I haven't done the invitations or bought all the stuff for the Package, or.. Too many things I haven't done - which I seriously thought would be done by now. Shit.

S and J got a new kitten. I would put a pic up but they're all on my camera. So, pictures will follow.
It's the smallest, cutest, softest, prettiest, loveliest, most adorable thing I have ever seen in my life! All I wanted to do was hug him/her and kiss it but it was crying for Mummy (S) or Daddy (J). I'm seriously considering getting one myself. Babe said that it would be fine if I got one, just as long as I know and can handle the consequences if it goes sour. And that means, if Miisu can't handle having another cat around. She might, or she might not. Mum told me not to get another cat. But she also said don't get Miisu, and yet she fell for her just like me, and this happened with every animal I've ever had. Or actually, every animal any of us kids have ever had.

Vappu - celebration that takes place outside, with a lot of alcohol, barbeque and all of your friends. It didn't really go down the way I planned. Nothing went right from the get go. Spent too much time in town, for no reason. I mean, there was a reason, but the trip to town didn't end up helping at all. Didn't even have time to eat during that trip. Then there was a lot of unnecessary driving and speeding through dinner to save time. Couldn't start drinking when I wanted to, because my clothes were playing hide and seek, and I had to put my face on. Then I spilt my cider on the clothes I ended up wanting to wear, so I had to change. We did have a few good hours of fun, drinking and socialising at M's, and then at Tankkari, but the 'outside' was a complete flop. I got people to stay out with me (everyone thought it was either cold or they wanted to drink in a bar) and then we ended up at the hospital. Someone got hurt, so we spent some time at A&E and went home shortly after we got out of there. Hmm. Shall we plan for next year?

This post seems to be too long already, so I shall stop now and continue my life story some other time, or post or day, or something. Have a nice Wednesday everyone!