Thursday 31 December 2009

Last Day Of The Year.

Today is the last day ever of the year 2009.

It's time so say goodbye to 2009.

NR said something on Twitter yesterday. 70's, 80's, 90's.. What will we call the past ten years ?

What can I say about the past year ? There were a lot of problems, as always, and a lot of fighting but there was more love than ever before and times of laughter. I learnt a lot about myself and my hubby.

Got a job. Got new friends. Had a very nice christmas.

Dyed my hair brown, then went back to red and now wanted to dye it dark brown and it came out black. But apparently it looks good on me so who am I to complain ? Now I'm just a big blackhead :)

Summary of the year 2009 in one word; Long.

I tried to come up with something better but all I could think about was everything that has happened during the year and it just feels long. But what a good year. I hope you had a good one too :)

Let's say hello to 2010!

Long, long time ago..

.. was the last time I updated my blog.

I couldn't upload any photos and it was really getting on my nervs so I just stopped doing the whole blog until now. My brother came to stay with us for the x-mas time and he did his magic on my settings and now it works and I can download these stupid pictures :)


Get one of these and you're sorted for the day :)

My beloved brother the other day. Bad hair day ? Or just bedhead ?

It's been a long day and it's getting kinda late and I need to work tomorrow so I'm not making this update very long. But I'll do one about Christmas and pictures of the decorations and presents I got and stuff like that.

I've been to B's parents today and to town to try and sort this thing out but it wasn't as easy as I expected it to be and once again I might have to fight to get something I shouldn't have to fight for. But we'll see tomorrow. Everything's gonna get sorted tomorrow. I mean, if it works, then it will be sorted.

Working all night tomorrow so no drinking. But I'm not quite sure how long we're open for or how everything's gonna go down so.. Might stay there for a drink after we've kicked everyone else out or might just come home. The plan is always to stay and have a drink but after the night is over, we all just want to go home and get some sleep. Tomorrow night will be extremely busy and my guess is that I'll be absolutely knackered at the end of it.

But now I'm off to watch the end of Born Survivor and then BED!

I hope you had a lovely Christmas and a happy New Year! xxx

Sunday 6 December 2009

Quick update.

Went to the dentist. I was there for a whole of 15 minutes. Have to go back for the pre-op and an x-ray. Nice. But after that, I hopefully get them both out.

Been working a lot. Been getting all the X-mas Fayre people in. A lot of work but a lot of fun as well :)

Missed the X-Factor tonight but I'll just watch it tomorrow or something. I want to see Lady Gaga's performance :)

I'm watching 16 and pregnant at the moment. Talking to some friends. Waiting for B to come home. Need to go to the shop and buy some food.

Need to go now before the shop closes.