Thursday 18 December 2014

No More Diets!

I've been reading a lot about different diets lately - how they work and what you have to do to lose weight. At some point I had to stop reading because of all the bullshit - I just can't believe people are actually doing these diets for real! They're usually like 'drink this miracle juice (and nothing else) for 4 weeks and lose an amazing amount of weight!'. I believe that. No, I really do. Of course you're going to lose weight if you don't eat anything and only drink juice. To be fair, the juice probably contains everything your body needs and nothing more, therefore making you lose weight because you're only consuming what you need to survive but what happens after the 4 weeks? You weigh less for a total of 1 week because you start eating food again? Obviously these only work if you learn how to eat right during those 4 weeks you're only drinking juice but I doubt anyone learns that without actual food involved. Go figure.

Why is it all about losing weight fast and RIGHT NOW, instead of 'let's get our lives in check NOW and do it RIGHT'. Learning what you're supposed to be eating aka what's the healthier option for what you're eating now, cutting back on fast food and gummy bears (or chocolate if that's you're choice of poison) and doing some sort of exercise will go waaaaay further than some fucked up soup diet. I mean, I really don't have anything against these diets, it's just something I don't understand.

I've been doing this slow but steady thing for a long ass fucking time and seeing some results. No huge drops on the scales, no 'lose 10 inches of your butt in 10 days' - stuff, but small changes. Rings fit better on my fingers (number 1 reason why we're getting our rings made closer to the wedding), I can fit into some clothes I didn't fit into before, I have more energy (although right now I'm suffering from this polar night depression which sucks out all your energy) and all around healthier. I have slipped into bad habits for a couple of weeks a couple of times and haven't always chosen the healthy option food wise but I am really trying. I'd like to learn to eat snacks during the day but it's proving to be more difficult to learn than it was to start eating breakfast.. Slowly but surely.. Baby steps.

I keep telling myself it will be fine and I have time but the truth is, I really don't have much time left. Six months have passed since we decided to get married and there are only six short months left until we say our I do's. Time to step on it is NOW! So from Jan 1st until Feb 28th, it's rabbit time! We're eating super healthy (this kind of detox being the only detox I believe in) - fruit & veg, fish, nuts etc. It'll be weird not eating meat but I think we really need to do this because (B says) we eat too much meat. We've tried being without rice, pasta and potato and many have said it helped them lose weight but we don't want to live our lives without those things so we're learning to work around that - no secret there, pretty much just eating less of them. We don't want to live our lives without meat either, but at the moment we eat some sort of meat at every meal and (for us) it's going to be easier being without it for a bit and then adding it to our meal plan instead of meat being the meal plan. It'll be fun, right?

I'll finish my nuts and raisins and go to bed, the gym really killed me today.