Wednesday 11 September 2013


Ok so it's been like two weeks since the last time I wrote anything.. I've been mostly busy but also very lazy. It's not like there's been a lot to do or like I haven't been home - I haven't even thought about this blog. Anyway..

Work has been good and has kept me fairly busy. It's been mostly busy days with only a couple of those never ending boring days. Last month I was off nearly every Sunday and Monday so I had my two days off and in a row! It was awesome. This month my days off are a bit scattered but it's OK, and I have a long weekend this week. I'm off for the rest of the week! I'm running some errands tomorrow and Friday I'm going to Helsinki. It's gonna be B and I, we're staying in a hotel and Saturday we're planning on going to the Bodies exhibition and we might check out what's happening in town since B's never really been there.

Tomorrow I need to get the back tyres on our car changed, buy some stuff, get the car washed and also cleaned on the inside. I also need to get some playlists ready for the long drive and it has to be music I like and want to listen to since it'll only be me driving there and back. But I get to sleep in! On my days off I still wake up at 10 because I don't want my sleep pattern to get messed up or sleep really late because that will most definitely push back bedtime that night and it's then harder to get up for work the next day. Interesting stuff, right?

Friday I have to get up early, get some stuff done, go to work for about 2 hours, get an MRI and then it's off to Helsinki. We want to try and make it there by no later than 8pm and we're really going to aim for that - stop quick, pee quick and on the road again. This is not my first 6-7 hours of driving and I've drove the 500km in a day before but not one long road, so this will be interesting.. You know - how long does it take before I get bored.. Especially when B usually always falls asleep in the car and I'll be alone singing along to this music I've yet to choose.. We'll see how it goes.

J has grown a lot and she's saying these words she knows very clearly now. She's taken her first steps! She still doesn't want to walk but she's standing on her own more every day and she's actually walked! How amazing is that?! She's also learnt a new word and she is just the cutest thing ever. She is so lovable and cute and fantastic and OMG I love her so much. She's also ate her own poo. That wasn't as cute as the other things she does but I guess that's what all babies do at some point.. And I still kiss those hands and that face - even the once poo stained parts.

It was I's BDay last week and she had a party on Saturday. We went over to her house and we had an amazing time! I hadn't been to a party in a long time (other than the ones we have at our house and you can't really call them party's, more like get-together's) and I really enjoyed myself. We even went to the bar after and I was really drunk! I even decided (or managed) to dance to a few songs. It was a fantastic night all and all and I can't wait for someone else to have a BDay party so we can do it all over again..

But now it's time for me to go to bed. If I can manage some free time tomorrow, I'll try to remember the existence of this blog and use some of that time to update it. Good night.