Monday 3 December 2012

How Long Is Too Long?

This much I know.. It's been way too long since my last post.  I don't know what happened. I had every intention to keep going after getting back from England, but somehow I forgot about it. OK, I didn't forget about it - I got sidetracked. I had a really nice holiday, followed by a lot of work and catching up on life and shit, and for some reason I thought I'd take a break from the blog. I know these sound like excuses, and they probably are, but I'm not sure why I can't keep up the posting. When I think about it, I can't come up with one reason why I stop writing.

So here I am, once again about a lifetime later, trying to sum up a whole lot of time in a few sentences. We all know I'm not very good at that. Let me think.. It's been over a month..

I worked a lot after the holiday, and spent time with my family and friends. Last month was full of work and friends and family and fun and and and. I would have had the time to update but I chose to spend every minute living the actual life, or watching the many programs I had piled up after not being able to watch them in England.

Miisu hadn't changed at all but Emi had grown into a big hairy pussy. I was a bit surprised at how much a cat can grow in two weeks. She's no kitten, but she's my baby.

Talking about babies - J, my niece, is growing fast. She's already singing and trying to crawl and making all kinds of funny noises. She's eating human food! It's horrible but wonderful at the same time. Horrible because that means she's growing up really fast, and amazing because I get to witness all the new things she's learning to do. I love her so much!

It's now winter. Or at least it's cold, dark and the ground is white. They say it'll be like minus 30 soon.. Not looking forward to that.

But now it's time for Amazing Race. Have a good night everyone!